Sports Bra Fitting Evaluation Form
We specialise in sports bras, and we can’t wait to help you find the right fitting sport bra. We just need some details from you that will help us.
The best way to start is by evaluating your fit. Take a moment, grab a cup of coffee (or even better a glass of wine) and let’s get started. Please complete the questionnaire below with as much detail as possible. The more you tell us the better we can help you.
We specialise in sports bras, and we can’t wait to help you find the right fitting sport bra. We just need some details from you that will help us.
The best way to start is by evaluating your fit. Take a moment, grab a cup of coffee (or even better a glass of wine) and let’s get started. Please complete the questionnaire below with as much detail as possible. The more you tell us the better we can help you.
Here are some resources to help you evaluate your own fit if you get stuck:
We also have many other guides on the website especially take a look at the good fit vs bad fit guide.
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Let's get started...
- How is your band fitting? Make sure the band (the bit around the body) fits snuggly, it needs to feel nice and snug (not too tight but rather supportive). It also needs to sit level around your back. The support comes from the band. If this is not the case tell us what is happening.
- What is happening in the cups? Are they too big or too small? Importantly the underwire should lie directly under the breast, starting almost underneath the armpit and making sure the whole breast is contained and doesn't dig into your breast tissue. It should also sit flush (or as close to) your chest)
- What is happening with your straps? Are they too tight? The straps should not be too tight and are not taking the weight of the breasts. The support comes from the band.
- Take your measurement under the breast - place the measuring tape directly under the breast and measure all the way round. Make sure the measuring tape is snug and horizontal.
- Now place the measuring tape around the biggest part of your breast. This is usually where the nipple is. Make sure the tape is snug and horizontal.
- What brand/s of sports bra do you currently use or where do you buy your current sport bra?
- What size are you currently wearing?
- How old or worn are your bras?9. What kind of sport/exercise do you take part in?
- Have you been professionally fitted before? If Yes, by who?
- Any other observations or things we should be aware of.
Your EmailName Surname Contact Number
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On our You Tube Channel you can watch all our video on bras and fitting. In particular there is one about evaluating your own fit and what a good fit looks like.
Here are the links for these videos.