reFRESH yourself… it’s a breath of fresh air
It’s the middle of July! I know this is stating the obvious, on the one hand I feel like it should be the end of the year and on the other I feel like I have lost a huge chunk of the year.
Ever wanted to just hit the Refresh button instead of the snooze button? Well according to wellness experts on of the biggest ways to get going and Refresh yourself is to move.
It is simple really, you need to prioritise getting some exercise: Moving your body helps wake up your mitochondria, the part of your cells that generate energy. It’s a no brainer! Go for a brisk, walk, run, swim; do yoga… really anything to get your endorphins flowing. Of course, you are going to need a good sports bra and you that we at Ordinarily Active can help you find your perfect fit!
I find that the best type of exercise is to find an activity you enjoy, you will be more motivated to stick with long term. Ultimately, you want it to be part of your lifestyle. I personally dislike cycling, the bike and I are not friends. However, I love to run and swim and find great enjoyment pounding the pavements or diving into cold water. The trick is to find something that you love to do, and if it is not already part of your routine, make it a priority in July.
You may still be struggling to go out and exercise because you feel inhibited by breast movement. Don’t stay stuck. Let us help you find a sports bra so that you can go out and do amazing things.
Complete our online evaluation questions – click here– and I’ll personally come back to you with some advice.
Go out there, embrace the rest of this month and Refresh yourself. I always love to hear from customers so please drop me a mail anytime.
Always remember to LIVE LIFE ACTIVELY and be the change!